Saturday, October 11, 2014

Vyborg, Land that I love!


I am really behind in posting!  I am posting about a special trip we took in 3 segments for the 3 separate cities we visited.  The first leg of the trip was to an amazing city with a fascinating history It was formerly part of Finland and is now a part of Russia very near the boarder of Finland.

 Vyborg is very special to me because I spent 3 glorious months there as a missionary.  Sadly, my phone was the only camera I had on that trip and my phone was lost so I only have a few photos from my dear friends the Shefers: Tanya and Vladimir.

They invited us to stay in their home and Tanya made us the most heavenly plov, charlotka, salad and chocolate cake, what a major treat!!!

Sightseeing was a definite highlight.... 



.... but by far the very best part of all was gathering in the evening with people I love with all my heart.

Vladimir had called several people whom I loved and those who were able to come gathered at the church.  We began with a prayer and hymn and then Brother Shefer asked me to speak about what I had been doing for the last 15 years.  I didn't expect anything so formal and I was scrambling to say something that could possibly be meaningful to these beautiful people and do it all in Russian...then miraculously I began to speak and thoughts and ideas filled my mind.  I was able to testify to them of how much God loves them and I truly felt His love for them so strongly I was totally overcome with love!

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